Maybe I have these headaches because my eyes have indigestion.
Evelyn stared, inebriated by the latticework of images and light, the webbing of choice creeping through her eyes into tangled neurons, imprisoned by the infinity of desire, and seeing, for the first time, the elegant fingers of her mind cease stroking and begin flailing in the deep-end of an orgiastic pool, scorched and seizing in
City Girl | Somnolent Nova
I’ve been waiting patiently to get back to hear city girl. And finally I did it for you, swept out to the pool where it rains as it forever rains in my mind: light drizzle brought the heavens down to wet the tops of our heads and slosh beneath our feet. I took a seat
City Girl | Somnolent Nova Read More »
She fondled the rubber button pressing it back and forth, twisting it and flicking with her nail back and forth, nudging it down and in and up and down until it incidentally turned on simply because it so desired.
Impulsively, she flicked it back off, a veil opening on the window of perpetual night, now languishing, disgusted with herself and enraged by her disgust.
A wire coming in and accelerating off the terminal
throwing off its vestigial light and illuminating its abandoned satellite in the distance. The wire sheds its greener hues as it enters the interspace, shifting to a pure latent blue, and granting our terminal its residual viridescence. The light glows hotter as it accelerates down to the center, first blue to orange and red, but
A wire coming in and accelerating off the terminal Read More »
She reached for the remote balanced on the pleather armrest—at least to tranquilize my raging mind, she thought, and flicked it on.
She stayed there for a while, nursing the hair of the dog with her ass pinned in the gap between the beige cushions, eyes carrying her mind through the tar-black, satin hole in the basement wall.