Bored, Addy browsed the jeweler across the atrium from his store, searching specifically for a piece he wasn’t quite sure existed nor what it looked like.
Bored, Addy browsed the jeweler across the atrium from his store, searching specifically for a piece he wasn’t quite sure existed nor what it looked like.
Damp mind stuck to the frosty glass, he removed the uncomfortable brick from his pants and allowed it to dance about the pellucid stage in front of his face.
Some kind of summertime spun in an old martian dive over the seas, a spectral lab hung by a million threads in the monochrome sky. The player piano in the corner clapped away under the fingertips of ghosts, swaying around in a fraternal masquerade. The walls moaned and hummed with the sea of grey-blue lips,
If I’m going to see it, Addy tried to think, staring out the doors, I’d at least see what it’s saying—but instead he smothered it in the front pocket of his slacks.
He flicked the screen off, placed it sharply on the table and when it flashed back he flipped it over, facedown, pressed against the glass.
interspatial geocaching:// background-music/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZbqSiMOfnc / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fkECF6n-YU / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d27JKz4VW0A /https://historical.ha.com/itm/autographs/celebrities/mark-david-chapman-signs-the-book-that-caused-him-to-shoot-john-lennon-of-the-beatles-a-signed-paperback-copy-of-catcher/a/629-25526.s /https://web.archive.org/web/20080307081241/http://dir.salon.com/story/books/feature/2003/12/15/books_kill/index.html
The lights screech in white-hot blue overtop the buskers in my cotton candy earbuds Read More »
Addy sipped the second half of his lukewarm iced coffee, sifting absently through the newsfeed for social cocaine.