You can be free from all things and still a slave to yourself.
My Sister’s Fugazi Shirt | God’s In His Heaven, All’s Right with the World
I like it, the tumbling feeling of free-fall, spinning in space on a wet, wiry orb, the center hot but hardly reaching the pads below my feet. It was morning and I passed the children on the quad, conspiring behind the glassy shrubberies. But seven in the morning was still seven in the morning, and
My Sister’s Fugazi Shirt | God’s In His Heaven, All’s Right with the World Read More »
“Teeth on this are nice, straight white gold, upper ridge so slender, no though, not this one—”
Jinsang | Transitions
A bell rang on the corner store door. Sat down at a table, I watched the center as it burned. The thunderheads rolled up over the lightning peaks, then crashed back down in a thick blue-red fog, aflutter like cheap vinyl flags. Shadows cast down on the old world, the architecture in the atmosphere itself
Jinsang | Transitions Read More »